2023 Annual General Meeting

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The NASSA 2023 AGM is just around the corner and we have high hopes that every owner of Shetland sheep in North America will come together for this information-packed event. Once again, the virtual meeting will feature door prizes and interactive polls. The goal of the AGM committee is to organize a program with a diverse range of topics that will appeal to all our members.

NASSA Board President emeritus Jack Lyda will join us from Texas to share his insights gleaned from nearly 20 years of showing Shetland sheep in the judging ring. Find out what the Shetland breed standards are, and gain understanding on balancing those standards with your personal preferences.

Margaret Howard, owner of Tawanda Farms in California and author of “The Coat of Many Colors,” will discuss one of the most fascinating topics for Shetland breeders: color genetics, from the perspective of one sheep producer to another.

Our keynote will be given by Keisha Cameron, owner of High Hog Farm in Georgia. From sowing indigenous, heirloom crops to exploring Black agrarianism, and ancestral arts, Keisha looks to foster growth wherever she can. Keisha will share her passion for cultivating community engagement through the narrative of farming.

By popular demand, we’ll be offering concurrent small-group breakout sessions this year. You’ll be able to choose which session to attend. If, like us, you’re interested in ALL of them, don’t worry: all sessions will be recorded along with the general meeting, and will be available until February for rewatching at your convenience.

We’re all looking forward to a wonderful day of coming together to learn more about our beloved Shetland sheep.

NASSA 2023 AGM Committee
Ellen Baize, Anne Choi, Karen Kauth, & Kelsey Reeder

Thank you to this year’s sponsors!

Jorstad Creek Skagit Woolen Works