Shetland Wool Wanted for AGM Workshop

by Site Admin on June 19, 2015

By Judi Lehrhaupt, Ewe Can Do It Farn, Ottsville, PA

The point is to get various types—at least six types (so perhaps one half-pound each of six types). Because we’re talking about a variety of wool characteristics, the more types the better.

Lock formation and texture are important aspects to consider, Participants need to pull and examine locks, so no roving or top. Samples should be clean, but do not need to be prepared as carefully as one might do for a competition.

So the amounts are not significant, and we do not want whole fleeces.

Those participants who would like to spin samples of the fleece please bring a spinning wheel or drop spindle. When you register for the workshop let us know if you will need either. We can provide equipment for a small rental fee. Combs and cards will be on hand.

Please mail your Shetland wool for the workshop to Judi Lehrhaupt, 757 Headquarters Rd, Ottsville, PA 19042 no later than August 1st. If you have questions, please contact Judi at 215-801-5652.


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