Here is a great opportunity for Youth Sheep Showman – two great shows at the same fairgrounds, one week apart in July – how can you go wrong?!!?!!
This year the North East Youth Sheep Show will be held a week earlier than usual making it closer in time to the All American Junior Show. The North East Youth Show dates are July 10 thru 12, 2015. Both youth events will be held in the Mallary Livestock Complex at the Eastern States Exposition Fairgrounds in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Both shows are open to Youth Exhibitors 21 years old and younger (the All American is by July 1st unless otherwise specified by the breed requirements and the North East Youth Sheep Show is open to all kids 21 years and under as of January 1st).
For those who are not familiar with the North East Youth Show weekend events, the sheep and exhibitors must arrive by 11:00 p.m. Thursday, July 10th. The NEYSS activities begin on Thursday afternoon with a Quiz Bowl. Friday will be the Exhibitor
check-in in the morning, weighing of market lambs, Skillathon contest, and Market Lamb Show. The evening will hold the New England Sheep & Wool Growers sponsored ice cream social and scholarship raffle, as well as the awarding of the NES&WG youth grants and scholarships. Saturday hosts the New England Private Treaty Sheep Sale, the Used Equipment Auction and judging of the Youth Fleece Show. The afternoon will bring the Youth Show Fitting and Showmanship Classes and the choosing of a Supreme in each age group, along with some breeds to be shown Saturday night. Sunday’s activities include judging of the remaining breed shows starting at 8:00 a.m. ending late afternoon with the finale of the Supreme Champions. The judges for the weekend will be Ed Keeney, Maryann Johnson and Mark Johnson. The NEYSS Committee works all year in raising funds for this event, collecting $25 T-shirt sponsors from January to May, selling promotional items (clothing and mugs) at the show, selling recycle shopping bags at the New England Fall Fiber Festival in November – just to name a few fundraisers. All funds raised go back into the show expenses, such as ribbons, premiums, judges and facility clean-up. Supreme Banners and Champion awards are donated by Claudette Choma of Connecticut, who makes them all herself! Reserve Champion Sashes are paid for by Hopkins Southdowns, Lightning Ridge Farm and the Goblet Family.
The Committee is still looking for t-shirt sponsors (deadline is May 1st) as well as donations in other areas. Anyone wishing to make a donation, please send your check made payable to “NES&WG” with notation of NEYSS on the subject line and mail it to Scott Poitras, Treasurer NES&WG, 95 Hollow Road, Brimfield, Massachusetts 01010.
The Committee and all Youth Exhibitors would like to thank all those who have supported this show in the past, and look forward to the continued support by all in the future. It is greatly appreciated. For more information on the NEYSS show, the Private Treaty Sheep Sale, or the Used Equipment Auction – please visit the website: Entry information for the Youth Show will be posted after May 1st, with the deadline being June 15th.
2014 youth show exhibitors sporting their sponsored T-shirts