We are happy to launch the new NASSA Website! We hope the new format makes the site more useful along with giving it a fresh look. Use the navigation menu below the page header, the Search box in the right sidebar, or the Site Map to find what interests you.
I’ve tried to register to use the new forum, but I keep getting a message that says the registration has been disabled. And when I visit the “help” section, all I get is an option to register or login.
And I keep getting an error message from Word Press when I try to send this message, this is my 3rd attempt.
Hi Kelly, the NASSA board has not authorized me to open the Forum for general use yet, which is why the forum registration is disabled. Currently the NASSA board members use the Forum for some board member business communications.
As for the errors when submitting your comment, the only thing I can think of that would cause that is getting the captcha code wrong. Some of those codes are very difficult to figure out and I often get them wrong. Did you get a specific error message?
I know there’s not a huge amount of traffic on the NASSA sale site however it’s discouraging to see it is not accessible for the home page. I did not see it listed anywhere. I’ve tried to support site but it is not promoted by our webpage how are perspective Shetland owner’s going to find out about this resource? New NASSA site looks nice however clearly with need continue refinement to assist with navigation. I appreciate the addition of section on forms posted prevalently which was not there on my first visit to the site.
Hi, thanks for the feedback. I’ll think about how to promote the NASSA Sale Site here.
Can you provide some details on how the site navigation might be improved?